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Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome - Audio Book

Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome - Audio Book

Product Code: B-3
Availability: Out Of Stock
Price: RS1,559.00
Ex Tax: RS1,559.00
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On her 29th birthday, while her guests were arriving downstairs, Reba Riley was supposedly upstairs getting dressed. In actuality, she was slumped on the floor succumbing to the Universal Law of Meltdowns, which means sobbing about everything from the meaning of life to the pile of dirty laundry on the floor, which contained the under-garments she wanted to wear to her party.
Life without God was crashing in on her. And she was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. She uttered a desperate prayer: “please heal me.” Then the idea came to her—thirty by thirty. And thus she embarked on a year-long quest to experience thirty religions by her thirtieth birthday, in which she . . .
In a debut memoir that is as crazy-funny as it is earnest, Reba Riley offers balm for the walking wounded of Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome. Her generous and open spirit invites questioners, doubters, misfits, and curious believers alike to share the universal search to heal what life has broken.
Are you longing for redemption of body, mind, or soul but don’t know where to start? Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome will take you by the hand and remind you that sometimes you first have to be lost in order to be found.

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